long story short

i want to clarify why i feel it’s useful for me to start a project like ABCDE./QWRTY at a time like this

i want to make this as short as possible because, rather be sewing:

cycle of non bullshit

ok! so. yeah, there it is. lol

no but seriously, this is long term experiment. i want to see if this is possible. i don’t care if someone does it first, or better. if it works it’ll be worth it.

still working on the details, obv. looking forward to releasing this manifesto, aka Business Plan, lol

“It was an accident that I used fashion as a way to make a business. It wasn’t a decision [to become a fashion designer]. It was a material for making a business.”
-Rei Kawakubo

the business is the material, homies!!!!!!!!!!!

full interview, so hot: https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-features/the-originals-rei-kawakubo-on-the-genius-grind-1203137382/



lewks familiar